Sunday, August 19, 2007


Your agent will be on a brief hiatus due to miscellaneous life and work demands. I'll be back on August 26th with new Sack tales.

This is the first time I've ever been on a hiatus from anything. You might say I'm a veritable rookie when it comes to the hiatus. The best thing I can do as I enter this hiatus is follow my cardinal rule for whenever I enter uncharted territory: I'm going to wear a pair of comfortable shoes.

Secretly, I've always wanted to be on a hiatus from something. It always sounds very hip whenever someone else does it. Somehow, I don't think it's going to be that way for me. My comfortable shoes aren't particularly hip. Neither am I, for that matter.

Anyway, I've accomplished my two goals with this short missive. I've informed you of my hiatus and I've used the word "hiatus" seven times.



Dear Lovey Heart said...

you will be sorely missed

Balloon Pirate said...

I count eight hiatuses (hiatii?), but that's just me picking a nit.

Your 'comfortable shoes' rule would work well for lamming too, I might add.

I await your return.



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