Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Development Developments

Rumours grow about the development of vacant land that lies immediately north of the Sack.

It has been known for at least five years that a commercial development is planned for this land. The north side of The Sack will abut whatever becomes established there.

Opinions in The Sack are mixed about this subject.

Recent news suggests that a small strip mall or plaza will soon occupy the space. Oscar, for one, is ecstatic.

"In a perfect world, he says philosophically, we will have a liquor store, an outlet that carries only the finest pornography and, of course, a donair shop."

Then, he adds, "If this comes to fruition, we'll never need to leave The Sack again."

Liquor is a substance controlled and sold by the rich, to distract the masses from growing and using marijuana.

Pornography, some say, is in the eye of the beholder.

A donair is another matter entirely.

A donair is a ghastly food product that enjoys much favour among the local populace. It is typically ingested after a night of drinking and carousing in the downtown quarter.

I am told that it consists of thinly shaved 'meat', covered liberally with a greyish, soup-like liquid. It is normally served on some form of bread product.

I am also told that it is sometimes possible to actually hear the sound of one's arteries hardening as the evil mixture is digested.

I will now stand accused of hypocrisy.

I have never eaten a donair, nor do I plan to. But I would happily pay to see The Rolling Stones, if faced with a choice between them and eating a donair.

Mrs. Wonders and I would be very pleased if a garden centre bloomed on the vacant land. Florence says she would prefer a small grocery store. Computer Doug wants a 24-hour child care centre. The remaining Dougs favour a hardware store. Elizabeth is hopeful for a pharmacy.

Oscar says he spoke with Mulva today. He claims that she is "on side" with the liquour/porn/donair development.


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