Monday, May 22, 2006

The Lost Days of Dirk and Dora

The long weekend is almost over. There is still no sign of Dirk and Dora.

Computer Doug figures Dirk and Dora are probably renting a place where the lease doesn't expire until the end of the month.

Of course, this wouldn't explain why they wouldn't move back in as soon as the house was ready. Burning Manor has been ready for more than five weeks now.

Oscar now thinks Dirk and Dora are waiting for weather that's warm enough for all-day, outside drinking binges. This activity, according to Oscar, was the primary reason for their original purchase of Burning Manor. Aside from camping, he says it's the only way, legally speaking, to drink alcohol outdoors.

Mid-June is when Oscar thinks they'll be back.

Weed has the best theory regarding Dirk and Dora and the still-empty Burning Manor.

He thinks they've simply forgotten to move back to Burning Manor. When you live the kind of chaotic life they do, Weed explained, it's easy to lose track of time.

"They could be on some kind of two-week boozing binge. And moving back into the house has stumbled away from their heads," he said.

Weed thinks they'll remember to move back when the binge ends. He says it shouldn't be long now.

I suppose anything is possible.



Jessica said...

Given the animosity of their neighbor (I forget the name of the lady who is the victim of burned shingles), Dirk and Dora might want to continue their drinking binge indefinitely.

Guy Wonders said...

Yes, that would be Elizabeth. . . and you're absolutely right -- an indefinite binge would save them from her wrath.

Balloon Pirate said...

Here's what happened:

Dirk and Dora were planning on moving back in a few days ago. They even rented a big truck to pack all their belongings into. They underestimated the amount of stuff they had, and were coming back to the sack with a woefully underpacked truck. They were so embarassed about this that they started drinking and fighting while they were driving, got distracted, and turned down Pleasant street by mistake, where they discovered a trampoline in someone's backyard.

Inspired, and with plenty of room in their truck, they boosted the trampoline and hightailed it out of the neighborhood. They sold their stuff, packed up their ill-gotten trampoline, and hightailed it to Cuba, where they entertain Number One as Dirk y Dora: Los Hosers des despedida (The bouncing hosers).


Guy Wonders said...

Dirk and Dora would certainly provide a big boost to the Cuban rum industry. . . (BP: Such a spectacular tale definitely qualifies you as the fifth Doug.)

Balloon Pirate said...

Well, if Dirk & Dora don't ever move into burning manor, mebbe I could bring my kids up there. I could be known as Pirate Doug...


Guy Wonders said...

That would work nicely. . . but you're gonna have a lot of yard work to catch up on when you get here. . .


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