Sunday, September 25, 2005

Random Samplings

Today's task is to simply digest some of the bits and pieces of Sack news which have accumulated during the week.

It looks like the Burning Manor saga is not over. Dirk was here this week, along with a restoration company that specializes in fire and water damage.

Gordon is furious about the matter. Oscar and I think Dirk might be repairing the house, so he can sell it. But the house is a disaster and rebuilding would seem impossible. Either way, I'm not crazy about seeing these folks return. I just don't have room for any more shenanigans.

Gordon is certain that Burning Manor will rise again. He just can't figure out who to complain to.

Young Doo, my six-year-old friend, has a new helmet to wear when he's riding his bike. I can't really say 'bike helmet', because, well. . . it isn't a bike helmet.

Instead, Doo has a very expensive hockey helmet. It has a very sophisticated fastening system and it sits firmly on his head. Doo has no idea how to get it off.

I must give his mother credit. She has surprised me with her creativity.

One of the younger Sack kids came to our door the other night. Tremayne is only about five years old, but he's smart and funny. Our conversation went like this:

Tremayne: "Do you wanna buy a chocolate bar?"

Guy W.: "What's it for?"

Tremayne: "For eatin'."

Guy W.: "No, why are you selling them?"

Tremayne: "So you can eat it."

Guy W.: "No, I mean. . .where is the money going?"

Tremayne: "I'm gonna put it in my pocket."

Guy W.: "And who will you give the money to?"

Tremayne: "My brother."

Guy W.: "And what's he going to do with the money?"

Tremayne: "Put it in his pocket."

Guy W.: "What kind of chocolate is it?"

Tremayne: "It's brown."

Guy W.: "OK, I think we have a deal."

Eventually, I deduce that Tremayne's brother is selling the chocolate bars for a school fund-raiser. I can see his brother playing with some other kids in The Sack's centre circle. He has enlisted Tremayne to sell the bars for him. This is what little brothers are for.

It's also a smart idea to subcontract the job to Tremayne. If Mrs. Wonders answered the door to Tremayne, she'd buy every bar the tyke had. She thinks Tremayne is that cute. I think she's probably right.

There are lots of spider webs around Sack houses these days. The fascinating little creatures build webs on porches, between shrubs, across stairways, and just about everywhere else.

I heard a shriek from Mrs. Wonders the other day when she was coming up the stairs on the back deck. She forgot to check for webs before proceeding up the stairs and walked straight through a rather large one. She was wearing shorts at the time and noticed the web only after it became enmeshed with her legs, spider included.

At this time of year, Sack residents wave their arms and legs in front of them, whenever they're coming out of their homes or walking between trees or shrubs. It's a local, seasonal dance.

Florence now has a second Korean student staying at her home. This woman is a teacher and she'll be here for about a month.

There was no mention of giving this new visitor an English name. We've had just about enough naming controversies in The Sack of late. Besides, Oscar has been keeping a low profile for the last few days and some think it best to keep it that way for a while.

Florence also said that Mulva is fine with having another Korean in the house.

Finally, Mrs. Wonders has a brother who lives in Lake Charles, Louisiana.

Ironically, he took in some friends from New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina. After yesterday's Hurricane Rita, it looks like he may have lost his own home.

Fortunately, he evacuated to a more northern location. The next few days will tell whether or not his home withstood the weather. Early reports, however, are not promising.


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