Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Raking the Leaves

Autumn brings what is commonly known as "the fall colours." In and around the Sack, the leaves turn to brilliant colours of gold, red, orange and yellow.

It's one of the best things about the drop in temperatures. At least there's something pleasing to the eye when summer comes to an end.

Increasingly, the leaves are dying and falling from the trees. In The Sack, this means it's time to rake up the leaves.

That's what we're doing today.

Mulva, Florence's South Korean student boarder, continues adapting to life in Canada.

While Oscar and I were hosting our show the other night, we were distracted by a commotion outside in The Sack.

A car had pulled up in front of Florence's house. The car was filled with people and riotous laughter. There was even some hooting going on.

Eventually, Mulva and her friend, both squealing like schoolgirls, got out of the car and ran excitedly into the house.

Oscar says Mulva is acclimatizing very nicely to Canada, indeed. I think he could be right.

Oscar may also be right about Britney Bitterman.

He has already predicted a Bitterman meltdown by Christmas. Prior to Oscar's prediction, we saw a small example of what might be ahead.

Oscar says Britney knocked on Ben and Norma's door the other day. Norma answered the door and was sprayed by an angry stream of invective courtesy of Miss Bitterman.

Apparently, Britney accused Norma of "spreading rumours" about her. Oscar said Norma didn't have the foggiest idea what Britney was talking about.

Things of have been fairly quiet at the Bitterman home, according to Oscar.

He thinks this is mostly because he's had to keep his windows closed lately. Oscar says it's far too cold to spend time listening to the Bitterman family. He says he's got better things to do.

Doo is in the dog house.

Not a real dog house, of course. Just a metaphorical one.

Young Doo was seen swinging and tugging on some of the trees in The Sack's centre circle. He was told by numerous people (including old Mr. Wonders) to smarten up. I tried to explain to Doo that trees are like people.

"If you did that to a person, you'd be hurting them." I said.

(Increasingly, I can't believe some of the things that come out of my mouth. )

As usual, Doo just looked at me with a blank stare. Then he slowly nodded his head up and down, and then back and forth.

At some point on Saturday, however, Doo was swinging on a tree branch again. Suddenly, it snapped with a loud crack.

Elizabeth came storming out of her house. I'm not sure if she saw the branch break or just heard the loud crack.

Either way, she made a bee-line towards wee Doo.

Doo was sitting on the ground with his eyes wide and his mouth agape. He'd been taken by surprise.

As Elizabeth came closer to him, Doo suddenly realized he was in, well. . . doo-doo. . . for breaking the branch.

Before Elizabeth could reach him, Doo sprinted off to his house.

Elizabeth picked up the branch and stared at it for a few seconds. Then she started to make a new bee-line. She headed directly to Doo's house.

Elizabeth knocked on the door and was soon in animated conversation with Doo's mom. Occasionally, she waved the tree branch in her hand.

From my vantage point, Elizabeth and Doo's mom looked like dancing marionettes as they argued about Doo's guilt in the tree assault.

Oscar tells me that Doo is grounded from The Sack's centre circle for the next week. He can go anywhere he wants, except for the circle.

That's a relief.

Big Doug cut his grass yesterday.

This was probably the last time he'll get to do it until next year. Everyone else cut their grass for the final time over two weeks ago.

Big Doug likes to stretch it out as long as possible.

When Big Doug finished cutting his lawn, he stood for a few moments with his arms resting on the handle of the mower.

He took off his baseball cap and ran his fingers through his thinning hair. Then he gazed slowly around his front lawn, as if storing the image in his mind. Finally, he put his cap back on and swatted at an imaginary fly.

It was a tender moment in The Sack.



Clint said...

Poor Doug. He should think about migrating during the winter to somewhere fertile and maintenance intensive, unless he equally enjoys shovelling snow.

As for Doo, he's lucky he wasn't born 40 years earlier, or he'd have made his own switch.

Clint said...

...and by "Doug" I mean "Big Doug".

Realized on second glance that I had committed a CDSB faux pas.

Guy Wonders said...

You hit the nail on the head, as usual -- Big Doug is a big-time snow shovelling guy (I'm working on this one now). There are also several folks in The Sack who'd like to take a switch to Doo.

The Doug faux pas is a common one. I was in the bathroom once and Mrs. Wonders called up to say that Doug was at the door. I told her she needed to be more specific. I won't rush myself for just any Doug. Cheers.


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