Friday, October 07, 2005

Loose Ends

As we await the inaugural Sack Residents Association Meeting and Barbeque, we should dispense with an accumulation of mindless drivel from the past week.

All things considered, Rental Doug is proving to be a very good neighbour.

He and his wife purchased some large, brightly-coloured potted plants for their front steps. The children from his blended family seem to be well-mannered.

So far, so good.

Oscar dismisses my preliminary assessment of Rental Doug. He thinks it’s too early to judge whether Rental Doug is connected to the forces of Satan.

“And,” he adds, “I don’t really like the way he waves. I can’t put my finger on it, yet. But there’s something odd about it.”

I change the subject very quickly.

I’m told that young Doo has had a rough week at school.

He had three separate incidents, according to sources close to his mom. At the end of the school week, he received a “Green Form.”

Basically, a “Green Form” means that wee Doo will be in deep doo-doo, if he gets out of line again.

Sources say one of the incidents involved “eye-poking.”

I grew up watching The Three Stooges and have yet to poke anyone in the eye on purpose. Perhaps Doo should be introduced to The Stooges. I think Oscar might even have a DVD of theirs at home.

I’ve made a mental note to recommend this to Doo’s mom.

We learned something interesting about Mulva, the young Korean woman, this week.

According to Florence, Mulva is enjoying the old town very much. Perhaps, Florence says, even a bit too much.

Apparently, she’s been frequenting the bars and clubs favoured by the university crowd. Florence says Mulva seems to be very good at having fun. She is also adept at sleeping for almost twelve hours after a night on the town. Florence says she has yet to see her in the morning.

I have no trouble with any of this. I’d probably do the same, if I were in Mulva’s shoes.

Oscar and I saw Mulva on her way out of The Sack the other night.

When she first arrived in The Sack, Mulva was dressed like a twelve year-old girl. We hardly recognized her this time. Oscar says she even looks “hot.” I have no argument with this assessment.

Computer Doug has a new job.

He won’t be traveling as much anymore. Oscar says Computer Doug doesn’t seem to be too happy about the absence of traveling. It means he’ll have to find new ways of avoiding household maintenance activities.

Weather forecasters say we are in for a mild winter.

Big Doug mustn’t be aware of this. Or, perhaps, he doesn’t believe the forecast.

He was testing his back-up generator yesterday. He bought it after a nasty winter storm a few years ago. The storm was known locally as “White Juan.”

It was the February after Hurricane Juan. Almost one hundred centimeters of snow fell in twenty-four hours. The Sack was literally filled with snow. Perhaps we will blog about this some time.

Big Doug swore he’d never be without power again. Nor would his truck be trapped in his driveway.

So Big Doug is ready for winter action. His generator is in pristine condition. His shovels are clean and sturdy. All that’s missing is snow.

“Bring it on,” says Big Doug.

There is no news about Burning Manor to report. Dirk and Dora have not been seen in The Sack.

Elizabeth has been watching carefully for Dirk all week, but to no avail. She has enlisted Gordon to keep his eye out, as well.

Elizabeth wants to “tear a strip off” Dirk for planning to move back to The Sack. She has no interest in speaking with Dora.

Dora bites.

Oscar and I continue to deliberate on our strategy for the inaugural Sack Residents Association Meeting and Barbeque scheduled for Saturday.

We will be convening the Friday Night edition of our show tonight. This will be our lead topic.

Finally, Little Doug does not have a cracked rib, as first feared. Apparently, he has two broken ribs.

We have invited him to visit the show tonight and tell us more about it. We have promised not to laugh.


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